VSE supports the NitroHunter – Flow measurement of nitromethane

The long-standing and successful Top Fuel Dragster pilot Christian Jäger has been building up his own team since 2016 under the name “NitroHunter”. For the new development of his over 1000 hp (horsepower) strong dragster, he needed a device for a precise detection of the flow rate and the consumption of nitromethane. VSE provides the appropriate measurement technology.

The data shall be used to determine the reached cylinder charging and are decisive for the choice of the optimal injection technology of the different setups.

Moreover, the flow rate of the nitromethane is a helpful parameter for the telemetry data collection during the race.

The VSE team wishes the NitroHunter a successful season.

Christian Jäger and his NitroHunter team can be seen in action from 17th to 19th August at the NitrOlympX in Hockenheim.

More information about the NitroHunter can be found here:

Published: June, 27 2018
